“Development is many small things done in many small places by many small people”

“Too much knowledge does not hurt”



JET foundation stands for Juliette & Edouard Tonnang Foundation
The registered office of the Association is located in Dschang.
The Association carries out its activities on the whole Cameroonian territory and possibly abroad.
Inspired by the life of a great Man Edouard Tonang!. His life teaches us the value of hard work and perseverance.
And also the necessity to do what it takes to atteint our objective no matter the difficulties we are in.


Our Goals

  • To assist in the advancement of culture and education to achieve excellence at all levels of society.
  • Assistance in the arts where the goal is to educate and expose African culture to the world audience.
  • Assistance in the maintenance and improvement of the natural environment and the consumption of natural products.
  • To promote the spirit and culture of unity and to become a source of blessing to others.
  • To promote excellence and competence and stimulate the desire of young people to maximize their potential.
  • To help raise a generation of change agents/nation builders.



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